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How to use Nmap on MacOs to Scan Home Network




Scanning your home network with Nmap (Network Mapper) on a Mac is a straightforward process, but it's important to note that you should only scan networks you own or have permission to analyze. Unauthorized scanning of networks can be illegal and unethical.

Here's a step-by-step guide to scanning your home network with Nmap on a Mac:

Install Nmap

If you haven't already installed Nmap on your Mac, you can do so using Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. If you don't have Homebrew installed, you can install it from

Open the Terminal and run the following command to install Nmap:

npm install nmap

Identify Your Network Range

Before scanning, you need to know the IP address range of your home network. Typically, home networks use a standard range like or

You can find your network range by checking your IP address and subnet mask. Run this command in the Terminal:

ifconfig | grep inet

Look for an entry under en0 or en1 (which represents your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection) that starts with 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x. The subnet mask, usually, indicates your network range.

Scan Your Network

To scan your network, use the Nmap command with your network range. For example, if your network is, the command would be:

sudo nmap -sP

This command runs a simple ping scan (-sP) to check which hosts are up in the specified network range.

Analyze the Results

Nmap will list the devices it finds on your network, showing their IP addresses and, if possible, their hostnames. This information can help you identify all the devices connected to your network.

Advanced Scanning (Optional)

For more detailed information, you can use additional Nmap options. For example, to perform a more comprehensive scan that detects open ports and running services, use:

sudo nmap -sV

This command (-sV) probes open ports to determine service/version info.

Important Notes

Permission: Only scan networks you own or have explicit permission to analyze.

Legality: Be aware of legal implications and ethical considerations.

Firewalls and Security Software: Some devices may have firewalls or other security measures that block or alter Nmap scans.

Network Load: Scans, especially more intensive ones, can create significant network traffic and might be noticed by network administrators.

By following these steps, you can effectively use Nmap to scan and analyze your home network on a Mac. Remember to use Nmap responsibly and ethically.